New podcast interview with The Ampersand Manifesto!

I’m delighted to share that I was interviewed on a podcast called The Ampersand Manifesto!

When my dear friend Jessica Wan asked if I would participate in her new podcast, The Ampersand Manifesto, I was delighted to say yes. Jess is an amazing woman and friend who is currently pursuing her own “ampersand”: as an executive coach and a classically trained singer, she somehow manages to navigate both worlds with a lot of passion and energy.

My “ampersand”, as some of you know, is my writing career and my tech career. I mostly talk about writing on this blog, but the energy I get from both pursuits is core to my values of creation and connection.

Please listen and let me know what you think - I would love to chat more about this topic if you have comments! And give the other episodes in The Ampersand Manifesto a listen as well - there are a lot of really cool people navigating multiple careers/lives, and you may learn some new tricks by listening to how they structure their pursuits!

The Ampersand Manifesto is available on Spotify or other podcast purveyors.

Quarantinechef: grilled veg and halloumi salad

Quarantinechef: grilled veg and halloumi salad

It’s still the SUMMERTIME SADNESS edition of #quarantinechef - it’s been 95+ degrees for days in Denver, smoke from wildfires blankets the air, ash has fallen on my patio furniture, and we’re still in the middle of a fucking pandemic.

But I have a grill (and a wine cellar), so I gotta keep going. Tonight’s recipe: grilled vegetables with halloumi cheese and a perfect lemony honey vinaigrette.

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